Kernel smoothed hazard rates (Survival Series 5)


In an earlier post, I showed how to estimate the hazard rate for 5 HIV-infection times using a Gaussian kernel. In this post, I use an Epanechnikov kernel to estimate the hazard rate for a real and simulated dataset. R code is provided to better illustrate the methods.

Leukimia transplant data

Consider the data given in Table 4.3 of Klein and Moeschberger, which gives the survival times of patients with acute leukemia who underwent a bone marrow transplant. The aim is to estimate the smoothed hazard rate. First, I enter the data for the survival times, which indicates the time $t$ at which the patient either died or relapsed (ti), the number of patients at risk (ni) at this time, and the number that experienced the failure event (di).

# event times
ti <- c(1, 55, 74, 86, 104, 107, 109, 110, 122, 129, 172, 192, 194,
  230, 276, 332, 383, 418, 466, 487, 526, 609, 662)
# at risk
ni <- c( 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 28, 27, 26, 25, 23,
  22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13)
# events 
di <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  1, 1, 1, 1 )

As demonstrated in a previous post in this series, we can calculate the cumulative hazard function ($\hat{H}[t_i]$) and the approximate hazard rate ($\hat{h}[t_i]$) as follows:

# the Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard rate
Ht <- cumsum(di / ni)
 [1] 0.02631579 0.05334282 0.08112059 0.10969202 0.13910379 0.16940682
 [7] 0.20065682 0.23291488 0.29958155 0.33529583 0.37233287 0.41079441
[13] 0.45079441 0.49427267 0.53972722 0.58734626 0.63734626 0.68997784
[19] 0.74553340 0.80435693 0.86685693 0.93828550 1.01520858
# approx hazard rate
ht <- diff(c(0, Ht))
 [1] 0.02631579 0.02702703 0.02777778 0.02857143 0.02941176 0.03030303
 [7] 0.03125000 0.03225806 0.06666667 0.03571429 0.03703704 0.03846154
[13] 0.04000000 0.04347826 0.04545455 0.04761905 0.05000000 0.05263158
[19] 0.05555556 0.05882353 0.06250000 0.07142857 0.07692308

Let $t_D$ be the latest failure time and let $b$ be the bandwidth. For $b \leq t \leq t_D -b$, Klein and Moeschberger propose to obtain the smoothed hazard rates using:

\begin{equation} \hat{h}(x) = b^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^n K_b \bigg( \frac{x-X_i}{b} \bigg) \Delta \hat{H}(X_i), \end{equation}

where $n$ represents the number of infection times. In this analysis, $K_b$ is the Epanechnikov kernel:

$$ K_b(x) = 0.75(1-X^2) \text{ for } -1 \leq x \leq x. $$

# Epanechnikov kernel
epikern <- function(x) 0.75 * (1 - x^2)
epi_sym <- function(x, f = epikern)
  return(ifelse(x < -1 | x > 1, 0, f(x)))

According to the theory, when $t$ is smaller than $b$, then an asymmetric kernel must be used. Let $q = t/b$, then:

$$ K_q(x) = K(x)(\alpha_b + \beta_b) \text{ for } -1 \leq x \leq q, $$

where $$ \alpha_b = \frac{64 \times (2 - (4q) + (6q^2) - (3q^3))}{(1 + q)^4 \times (19 - (18q) + (3q^2))} $$

and $$ \beta_b = \frac{240(1-q)^2}{(1 + q)^4 \times (19 - (18q) + (3q^2))}. $$

# asymmetric kernel
epi_asym <- function(x, params) {
  if (x >= -1 & x <= params$q)
    est <- 0.75 * (params$alpha + (params$beta * x)) * (1 - x^2)
    est <- 0
# calculate alpha and beta
epi_parms <- function(q) {
  num_alpha <- 64 * (2 - (4 * q) + (6 * q^2) - (3 * q^3))
  den_alpha <- (1 + q)^4 * (19 - (18 * q) + (3 * q^2))
  alpha <- num_alpha / den_alpha 
  beta <- (240 * (1 - q)^2) / den_alpha
  return(list(q = q, alpha = alpha, beta = beta))

When $t_d -b < t < t_D$, we use $q = (t_D - t)/b$ and replace $x$ with $-x$ in $K_q(x)$. So putting this together, I create a function called do_calc which handles observations that fall in the left ($t < b$) or right tails or in between:

do_calc <- function(t, ti, b) {
    # do symetric kernel
    val <- (t - ti) / b
    if (t >= b & t <= (td - b))
        est <- epi_sym(val)
    # do asymetric left
    else if (t < b) {
      p <- epi_parms(t / b)
      est <- epi_asym(val, p)
    # do asymetric right
    } else if (t > b) {
      p <- epi_parms((td - t) / b)
      est <- epi_asym(-val, p)
kern_wt <- Vectorize(do_calc, vectorize.args = "ti")

I then multiply the kernel density weights by hazard rates at time $t_i$.

calc_haz <- function(t, ti, ht, b) kern_wt(t, ti, b) * ht

Using $b = 100$ and $t = 150$, we can confirm the $\hat{h}(150)$ result of Example 6.1 in Klein and Moeschberger, as well as for $\hat{h}(50)$ and $\hat{h}(600)$. We can plot for all values in the range $[0, 700]$.

b <- 100
td <- 662
# for h(150)
sum(calc_haz(150, ti = ti, ht = ht, b = 100)) / b
[1] 0.002569708
# for h(50)
sum(calc_haz(50, ti = ti, ht = ht, b = 100)) / b
[1] 0.001514734
# for h(600)
sum(calc_haz(600, ti = ti, ht = ht, b = 100)) / b
[1] 0.001323748
# plot for all vals 0, 700
xx <- seq(0, 700, 10)
dat <- sapply(xx, calc_haz, ti = ti, ht = ht, b = 100)
est <- colSums(dat) / b

The smoothed hazard rate for the Leukimia patients are shown below. We see that the hazard increases at day 50 and peaks at around day 150 before dropping off and remaining flat. After day 600, the hazard of death or relapse increases dramatically.

Simulated data

Consider the following method of simulating observations from a hazard function, motivated by this post. The aim is to simulate failure times from a known piecewise hazard function given by:

$$ h(t) = \exp(−0.3t) \text{ for } 0 < t \leq 1 $$ $$ h(t) = \exp(−0.3) \text{ for } 1 < t \leq 2.5 $$ $$ h(t) = \exp(−0.3(t - 3.5)) \text{ for } t > 2.5. $$

I use the following R code to generate this function.

tdom <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.01)
haz <- rep(0, length(tdom))
haz[tdom <= 1] <- exp(-0.3 * tdom[tdom <= 1])
haz[tdom > 1 & tdom <= 2.5] <- exp(-0.3)
haz[tdom > 2.5] <- exp(0.3 * (tdom[tdom > 2.5] - 3.5))
plot(tdom, haz, type = "l", xlab = "time", ylab = "hazard rate", 
  bty = "l", ylim = c(0, 1.7))

From this data, we can calculate the cumulative hazard ($\hat{H}[t]$) and survivor $(\hat{S}[t])$ functions. This time, we multiply the hazard by 0.01, because that is the size of the aggregating interval given in the time domain (tdom).

cumhaz <- cumsum(haz * 0.01)
Surv <- exp(-cumhaz)

Given the survivor function, we can now generate the failure times using the inverse transform theory.

# generate random samples
u <- runif(10000)
failtimes <- tdom[colSums(outer(Surv, u, `>`))]

Using the survival package, I plot the survival functions from the generated data.

event <- rep(1, length(failtimes))
# correction for oversampling at the last time
event[sample(which(failtimes == 5),
  size = length(failtimes[which(failtimes == 5)]) * 0.85)] = 0
st <- survfit(Surv(failtimes, event) ~ 1) 
# approx the hazard rate
ht <- diff(c(0, st$cumhaz)) 

Using the Epanechnikov kernel described in the first section, I estimate the smoothed hazard rates with $b = 1.5$.

b <- 1.5
td <- 5.00
xx <- seq(0, td, 0.01)
dat <- sapply(xx, calc_haz, ti = st$time, ht = ht, b = b)
est <- colSums(dat) / b

As a comparison, I also plotted the smoothed hazard rates using the Gaussian kernel with $N(0, 1)$, described in the previous post.

# standard normal kernel
normfun <- function(x, sigma = 1) 
  (2 * pi * sigma^2)^(-0.5) * exp(-x^2 / (2 * sigma^2))
calc_norm <- function(x, Xi, b)    
  return(normfun((x - Xi) / b))
kern_wt_norm <- Vectorize(calc_norm, vectorize.args = "Xi")
calc_haz_norm <- function(x, Xi, ht, b) kern_wt_norm(x, Xi, b) * ht
# calc the estimates
b = 0.4
dat_norm <- sapply(xx, calc_haz_norm, Xi = st$time, b = b, ht = ht)
est_norm <- colSums(dat_norm) / b

With bandwidth $b = 0.4 $, we see that the Gaussian smoothed estimates do not fit the true values as well as the Epanechnikov kernel at the left and right tails of the time domain.

Alain Vandormael
Alain Vandormael
Senior Data Scientist, PhD, MSc