Distributions in R


This post contains some of my notes on the Bernoulli, geometric, Poisson, and exponential distributions. I describe these distributions using R’s functions and graphics. I continue to work on this post to improve my understanding and gain a deeper insight into probability distributions, particularly through the use of worked examples in R.

Bernoulli distribution

  • Consider a simple experiment, which results in either a “success” or “failure”.

  • Let $X =1$ be the event that the experiment results in a “success” and let $X = 0$ be the event that it results in a “failure”.

  • We define $X$ as a discrete random variable having a Bernoulli distribution with parameter $p$, where $p$ is a probability ($0 \leq p \leq 1$). Formally, we denote $X \sim \text{Bern}(p)$, if $X$ has the probability mass function (pmf):

$$ \begin{aligned} P(X=1) &= p \ P(X=0) &= 1-p. \end{aligned} $$

  • A popular example of a Bernoulli distribution is a coin flip. We let $X=1$ be a “heads” up result and $X=0$ be a “tails” up result and assume the coin is fair ($p=0.5$).
  • We can simulate a coin flip in R using the function rbinom(n, size, prob), where n is the number of observations, size is the number of trials, and prob is the probability of success ($p$). The example produces the realization $x=0$, a “tails” result.
rbinom(n=1, size=1, p=0.5)
[1] 0

Binomial distribution

  • The Bernoulli distribution is not that useful because it models only a single event, for example, one coin flip. When we put many Bernoulli trials together, we get a binomial experiment.

  • A binomial experiment consists of $n$ independent Bernoulli trials, where each trial result is a “success” or “failure”. The probability of “success” of each trial is $p$ and $1-p$ for “failure”. The trials are considered to be independent from one another, meaning that the results of any subset of trials do not affect the uncertainty of subsequent trials.

  • A random variable $Y$ has a binomial distribution with parameter $p$ based on $n$ trials, and is denoted as $Y\sim \text{Binom}(n, p)$. Let $Y$ count the number of successes in $n$ independent trials, each with probability $p$ of success, where ($0 \leq p \leq 1$).

  • Then, $Y=X_1+X_2+…+X_n$ where $X_1,\dots,X_n$ are $n$ independent random variables all with a Bern($p$) distribution. The pmf of the Bionomial distribution is:

$$ Pr(Y=y) = \binom{n}{y} p^y (1-p)^{n-y} \text{ for } y=0,\dots,n $$

  • We can generate a realization of $Y \sim \text{Bin}(n, p)$ using the rbinom function. Contining with the coin example, we flip a coin n=10 times and count the number of results that are “tails”.
x = rbinom(n=10, size=1, prob=0.5)
 [1] 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 7
  • The binomial distribution can be used to answer questions such as: what is the probability that we observe 3 “heads” in 10 coin flips? We could compute this probability using the function dbinom(x, size, prob), where x is the number of successes and size is the number of trials. The probaility of seeing 3 “heads” in 10 coin flips, expressed as $P(X=3)$, is:
dbinom(x=3, size=10, prob=0.5)
[1] 0.1171875
  • We can plot a binomial distribution for different values of $(n,p)$ using the dbinom function.
plot(0:20, dbinom(0:20, 20, p=0.5), type = "o", 
  col = "indianred1", xlab = "x (number of successes)", xlim=c(0, 40),
  ylab = "Probability")
lines(0:40, dbinom(0:40, 40, p=0.4), type="o", col="skyblue3")
lines(0:20, dbinom(0:20, 20, p=0.6), type="o", col="darkseagreen3")
legend("topright", legend=c("n=20, p=0.5", "n=40, p=0.4", "n=20, p=0.6"),
  bty="n", lty=1, col=c("indianred1", "skyblue3", "darkseagreen3"))
  • As $n$ gets large, the binomial distribution approaches the normal distribution.

Geometric distribution

  • In a geometric experiment, we ask how many Bernoulli trials must we run before we observe a “success”, or how many times must we flip a coin until we observe “heads”.

  • Again, we have $p$ for the probability of success and $X$ is the number of independent trials before we observe a success.

  • The pmf is of a Geometric distribution is:

$$ \begin{aligned} P(X=x) &= (1-p)^x p.\ \end{aligned} $$

  • In a game of darts, the probability of hitting the center area is $p=0.05$. What is $P(X=8)$, the probability that you hit the centre area on your $8$th throw?

  • We can use the dgeom(x, prob) function in R to calculate the probability, where x is the number of trials (throws) and p is the probability of success (hitting the centre area).

dgeom(8, 0.05)
[1] 0.03317102
(1-0.05)^8 * 0.05
[1] 0.03317102
  • We can vary $p$ to obtain different geometric distributions.
plot(0:20, dgeom(0:20, p=0.5), type = "o", 
  col = "indianred1", xlab = "x (number of trials)", 
  xlim=c(0, 20), ylim=c(0, 1), ylab = "Probability")
lines(0:20, dgeom(0:20, p=0.2), type="o", col="skyblue3")
lines(0:20, dgeom(0:20, p=0.8), type="o", col="darkseagreen3")
legend("topright", legend=c("p=0.5", "p=0.2", "p=0.8"),
  bty="n", lty=1, col=c("indianred1", "skyblue3", "darkseagreen3"))
  • We can also ask what is the probability that it takes 8 or less trials (throws of the data) to hit the centre. This is expressed as:

$$ \begin{aligned} P(X \leq x) &= 1 - (1-p)^{ x+1 } \ \end{aligned} $$

We can use the pgeom function to calculate this probability.

1 - (1-0.05)^(8+1)
[1] 0.3697506
# Or
pgeom(8, 0.05)
[1] 0.3697506
  • We can also generate a realization of $X \sim G(p)$ using rgeom(n, prob), where $n$ is the number of trials and prob is the probability. With $p=0.05$, the number of independent trials that must be run before observing a success is:
rgeom(1, 0.05)
[1] 12
  • Of course, since $X$ is a random variable that has a geometric distribution, we will observe a different realization for every trial.
x <- rgeom(10, 0.05)
 [1] 11 27  6  7 42  3 13  4 34 67

In this example, we perform $n=10$ different experiments; in the first experiment, we observe that 11 trials are needed before we observe a success, and in the second experiment, 27 trials are needed, etc.

Exponential distribution

  • The geometric distribution models how many times it takes for something (i.e., a success) to happen.

  • An exponential distribution is a continuous analog of the geometric distribution. The exponential distribution models how long it takes before a new customer enters the shop, how long before the next earthquake erupts, or how long it takes before the next piece of machinery breaks.

  • These questions involve an element of time, the time to wait until a given event occurs. (But not all exponential distributions involve a time component.) If the waiting time is unknown, then the random variable $X$ has an exponential distribution with a single parameter $\lambda$.

  • Since time is continuous, the exponential distribution has a probability density function (pdf):

$$ \text{Exp}(x;\lambda) = \begin{cases} \lambda e^{-\lambda x} &; x \ge 0, \ 0 &; x < 0. \end{cases} $$

  • The paramter $\lambda$ is a rate and represents the average number of events per interval. Let’s say that the average time for the next customer to arrive is $\mu=5$ minutes. Then the rate is one customer per 5 minutes or $\lambda = 1/5 = 0.2$ customers per minute.

  • We can calculate the probability that a customer enters the store at 2 minutes using the dexp function.

(1/5) * exp(-(1/5 * 2))
[1] 0.134064
# Or 
dexp(2, rate = 1/5)
[1] 0.134064
  • We can visualize the exponential distribution using different values for $\lambda$.
x <- seq(0, 5, by=0.05)
plot(x, dexp(x, rate = 1/5), type = "l", 
  col = "indianred1", xlab = "x", 
  xlim=c(0, 5), ylim=c(0, 1), ylab = "Probability density")
lines(x, dexp(x, rate=1/2), col="skyblue3")
lines(x, dexp(x, rate=2), col="darkseagreen3")
  bty="n", lty=1, col=c("indianred1", "skyblue3", "darkseagreen3"),
  legend=c(expression(paste(lambda, " = 1/5")), 
           expression(paste(lambda, " = 1/2")), 
           expression(paste(lambda, " = 2"))))

Poisson distribution

  • A Poisson distribution is useful when we want to know the probability of observing $X$ successes (or events) in a given time period or interval. For example, we may define $X$ as the number of cars that pass in an hour or the number of new HIV infections that we observe in the calendar year.

  • The probability mass function of the Poisson distribution is given as:

$$ P(X = x|\lambda) = \frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^x}{x!} \text{ for } x = 0, 1, 2, \dots $$

  • $X$ is a random variable having the Poisson distribution, written as $X \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda)$, where $\lambda$ represents the average number of events per interval. This is the same definition of $\lambda$ used in the exponential distribution.

  • Consider a store that receives 10 customers between 16:00 and 17:00. Let $X$ be the number of customers received in this interval, then $X$ has a Poisson distribution with $\lambda = 10$.

  • What is the probability of observing exactly 5 customers, $P(X=2|\lambda=10)$? We can calculate this probability in R using the dpois(x, lambda) function.

dpois(5, lambda = 10)
[1] 0.03783327
# or 
(exp(-10) * (10^5))/factorial(5)
[1] 0.03783327
  • We can vary $x$ and $\lambda$ to generate different Poisson distributions.
x = seq(0, 10)
plot(x, dpois(x, lambda=1.5), type = "o", 
  col = "indianred1", xlab = "x (number of events)", 
  xlim=c(0, 10), ylim=c(0, 0.7), ylab = "Probability")
lines(x, dpois(x, lambda=1.0), type="o", col="skyblue3")
lines(x, dpois(x, lambda=0.5), type="o", col="darkseagreen3")
legend("topright", bty="n", lty=1,
  col=c("indianred1", "skyblue3", "darkseagreen3"),
  legend=c(expression(paste(lambda, " = 1.5")), 
           expression(paste(lambda, " = 1.0")), 
           expression(paste(lambda, " = 0.5"))))
  • The Poisson model assumes that events are independent, that is, the occurrence of one event does not affect the probability that a second event will occur. It also assumes that the events are identically distributed, that the average rate of events is constant.

  • In addition, two events cannot occur at exactly the same instant. Instead, at each very small sub-interval exactly one event either occurs or does not occur. In this way, the Poisson distribution is also the limit of a binomial distribution, for which the probability of success for each trial equals $\lambda$ divided by the number of trials, as the number of trials approaches infinity.$^1$$^{, 2}$

  • The exponential distribution is the probability distribution of time between events in a Poisson model. If the arrival times (of let’s say of customers) are Poisson with rate $\lambda$, then the time between arrivals, known as the inter-arrival time, follows an exponential distribution, with $\mu = 1/\lambda$ as the average interval time. If times between arrivals are exponentially distributed with average inter-arrival time $\mu = 1/\lambda$, then the arrivals follow the Poisson distribution with an average of $\lambda$ arrivals per unit time.

Alain Vandormael
Alain Vandormael
Senior Data Scientist, PhD, MSc