Linear optimization using Python


In this post, I begin by giving a brief description of linear optimization (LO). I then provide two very basic demonstrations of LO before moving to an empirical example. I do so to develop a better understanding of the concepts and the python code to solve LO problems. Please skip to Question 15.2 if you want to get straight to businness.

In its simplest case, the goal of LO is to maximize or minimize a real function, or the objective function, by systematically choosing a set of input values subject to constraints on the set of values that can be chosen. This case is referred to as LO because the objective function takes the form:

$$ c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2 +,\dots,c_n x_n $$

for $c_i \in \textbf{R}$ and $c_i = 1,\dots,n$. The constraints, which define the feasible region, take the form:

$$ a_{i1} x_1 + a_{i2} x_2 + \dots + a_{in} x_n \leq b_i \quad i = 1,\dots,s. $$


I demonstrate an LO problem with a simple example. We wish to maximize an objective function of the form:

$$ z = 4x + 5y $$

with three variables $x,y,z$, where we maximize $z$ given the input values $x,y$. We are given two constraints:

$$ \begin{aligned} x + y \leq 20 \ 3x + 4y \leq 72. \end{aligned} $$

We can plot the feasible region by obtaining the $x$ and $y$ values of the two constraints. This is done by setting $x=0$ and $y=0$ for each constraint to find the corresponding coordinate values. For example, in the first constraint, $y = 20$ when $x = 0$. I plot the coordinate pairs and shade the feasible region in blue:

By eyeballing the figure, we can assume that the maximum will be at the point where the solutions of the two constraints intersect. We can use the pulp package in python to determine the solution. First, I import pulp and then specify optimization procedure (LpMaximize).

from pulp import *
op1 = LpProblem("ProblemExample", LpMaximize)

Next I define the $x,y$ variables with values ranging from 0 to 100.

y = LpVariable("y", 0, 100)
x = LpVariable("x", 0, 100)

I then set the constraints:

op1 += x + y <= 20
op1 += 3*x + 4*y <= 72

and set the objective function:

op1 += 4*x + 5*y 

We can inspect the setup

4*x + 5*y + 0
_C1: x + y <= 20

_C2: 3 x + 4 y <= 72

x <= 100 Continuous
y <= 100 Continuous

and solve using:


We can find the values of $x,y$ that maximize the objective function:


Thus, $x=8$ and $y = 12$ are the values that maximize the objective function.

x = 2
x * 38

Nutrient data example

In this section I present a simple analysis of some food data. The goal is to find the cheapest dies that satifies the minimum and maximum nutritional constraints. Here, I choose Taco and Oatmeal and base the nutrition requirements on protein only. I begin this exercise with two food items because it is easier to get a grasp of what is going on in the minimization procedure and the code.

import pandas as pd
dat = pd.read_excel(local_file / "diet.xls", header = 0)
                   Foods  Price/ Serving  ... Calcium mg  Iron mg
0        Frozen Broccoli            0.16  ...      159.0      2.3
1            Carrots,Raw            0.07  ...       14.9      0.3
2            Celery, Raw            0.04  ...       16.0      0.2
3            Frozen Corn            0.18  ...        3.3      0.3
4    Lettuce,Iceberg,Raw            0.02  ...        3.8      0.1
..                   ...             ...  ...        ...      ...
62  Crm Mshrm Soup,W/Mlk            0.65  ...      178.6      0.6
63  Beanbacn Soup,W/Watr            0.67  ...       81.0      2.0
64                   NaN             NaN  ...        NaN      NaN
65                   NaN             NaN  ...      700.0     10.0
66                   NaN             NaN  ...     1500.0     40.0

[67 rows x 14 columns]

From the data, I extract the costs of the two foods and the minimum and maximum nutrient values.

# Select two foods
f2 = ['Taco', 'Oatmeal']
# Select nutrient
n1 = "Protein g"
# Get costs of two foods
costs = dat.loc[dat['Foods'].isin(f2), 'Price/ Serving'].values
costs = {a: b for a,b in zip(f2, costs)}
# Get the nutrients
{'Taco': 0.82, 'Oatmeal': 0.59}
nvals = dat.loc[dat['Foods'].isin(f2), n1].values
nvals = {a: b for a,b in zip(f2, nvals)}
# get min and max values of nutrient
{'Taco': 6.1, 'Oatmeal': 20.7}
minvals = dat.iloc[65:66][n1].values
maxvals = dat.iloc[66:67][n1].values
minvals; maxvals

We are now ready to setup the variables, constraints, and objective function in pulp. First, I select the optimization method (LpMinimize) and define the input variables with minimum values of zero.

# Set env
op2 = LpProblem('Optimization', LpMinimize) 

# set the variables
Taco = LpVariable("Taco", 0)
Oatmeal = LpVariable("Oatmeal", 0)

I now define the objective function and constraints using the same method as above.

# Objective function
op2 += costs["Taco"]*Taco + costs["Oatmeal"]*Oatmeal
# Constraints
op2 +=  nvals['Oatmeal']*Oatmeal >= minvals
op2 +=  nvals['Oatmeal']*Oatmeal <= maxvals
op2 +=  nvals['Taco']*Taco >= minvals
op2 +=  nvals['Taco']*Taco <= maxvals
0.59*Oatmeal + 0.82*Taco + 0.0
_C1: 20.7 Oatmeal >= 60

_C2: 20.7 Oatmeal <= 100

_C3: 6.1 Taco >= 60

_C4: 6.1 Taco <= 100

Oatmeal Continuous
Taco Continuous

I solve and print the values.

oat = value(Oatmeal)
taco = value(Taco)

To minimize costs, 2.9 units of Oatmeal and 9.84 units of Taco are required.

Full analysis

I now minimize the costs for all food items and nutrient requirements. First, I extract the data into the relevant formats.

# Get only the row data
tdat = dat[0:64] 
tdat = tdat.values.tolist() 
# Get names of foods
fname = [i[0] for i in tdat] 
# Get the cost of all foods
cost = dict([(i[0], float(i[1])) for i in tdat]) 
# Get min/max nutrients
minvals = dat.iloc[65:66, 3:].values
maxvals = dat.iloc[66:67, 3:].values
# Collect the nutrients
nvals = []
for i in range(0,11): 
    nlist = dict([(j[0], float(j[i+3])) for j in tdat])

I now set up the variables, constraints, and objective function, similar to the earlier nutrient example. This time I will have to loop through the data so that I can feed it into pulp. In this case the lpSum function is useful.

op3 = LpProblem('Optimize_Foods', LpMinimize) 
# Make the variables
fvars = LpVariable.dicts("Var", fname, 0)
# Make obj function
obj_fun = [cost[i] * fvars[i] for i in fname]
op3 += lpSum(obj_fun)
# Constraints
for i in range(0,11): 
    op3 += lpSum([nvals[i][j] * fvars[j] for j in fname]) >= minvals[0][i]
    op3 += lpSum([nvals[i][j] * fvars[j] for j in fname]) <= maxvals[0][i]

Now I run the solver and print out the results, which shows the units needed for the following foods to reduce cost (subject to nutrient constraints). I also show the total cost per meal serving.

# The units of food items required
for nm in op3.variables():
    if value(nm) > 0:
        print(str(nm) + " " + str(round(value(nm), 2)) + " units required")

# The cost per ingredients for each serving
Var_Celery,_Raw 52.64 units required
Var_Frozen_Broccoli 0.26 units required
Var_Lettuce,Iceberg,Raw 63.99 units required
Var_Oranges 2.29 units required
Var_Poached_Eggs 0.14 units required
Var_Popcorn,Air_Popped 13.87 units required
print("Total Cost of Ingredients per serving = ", round(value(op3.objective), 2))
Total Cost of Ingredients per serving =  4.34
Alain Vandormael
Alain Vandormael
Senior Data Scientist, PhD, MSc